Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I hate laundry...So as I sat there looking at a stack much taller than Ireland and no end in sight.....
(BTW: ousting our fancy pay per month machines was rough, but with taxes will come a set we can call our own and we checked another source of credit off the list in our mission to rid ourselves of debt before the wedding!!! It's really a win-win but this pile of laundry my mother so graciously did for me is certainly not looking like a win in this mama's day!)

I decided to write a post instead... I know great logic huh? I'll tackle that pile later.... Take piece of mind though that most us homesteaders have a pile of something somewhere needed to be tended to... we'll always get to it...

Anyhow, I though I would clue you in on of my favorite repurposes her on the farm!

Searching for an organic calcium supplement for your egg laying gals?

Look no further!

Here at the High Desert Homestead we up-cycle our girls' egg shells and feed them right back to em'! Yes they are great to feed to your compost pile or pigs, but they are much better used to make sturdier eggshells and keep you wallet happy.

One of the easiest ways to rid ourselves of these shells and put them to good use. The best part? I don't have to do any extra work or spend any extra money. Both things mama loves, yes I'm lazy and cheap.... But hey, this process is so easy I do it in my sleep.

We chose simply to leave a ceramic crock on our counter next to the stove. Whenever we crack an egg it gets thrown in there. Once they accumulate and dry up I'll mash them up as fine as a feel, basically to take away their egg shaped form (nobody likes a hen whose starts pecking at the eggs---- yes I have had one of those... ) and make it smaller and much easier for the girls to consume.

(I know you love my retro wall paper!)

We feed it in a separate feed bowl than their daily rations of feed and provide it on an as needed basis, the girls will nibble at will when their diets are lacking. I try to keep some always available to them while penned up 24/7. When they free range I don't worry so much as they have a much more versatile diet when foraging.

Bada bing! Bada boom!

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